Duplicate Files: Batch Find and Delete at Once

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March 23, 2023

Batch find and delete duplicate files at once.

Duplicate files, like photos, music, videos, documents, are abundant on computer which take up a lot of disk space and even slow down your system if you don't clean them timely. They often occur when you copy a file from one place to another place or you download them twice or more.

So how can you find and delete duplicate files in batch? I believe that you have ever tried the method manually delete copies one by one through Window View. Well, that is really a labor work that you need to pay much time and patience to remove them.

Focus on this article, I'll show you two ways about how to batch find and delete duplicate files at once, including one free method.

Method 1: Use CMD Prompt to batch find and delete duplicates

To find and remove the same file, you need to know the name of them, or you will risk deleting other important files. If you do delete by accident, this article may help you: Cannot Recover Deleted Files from SSD Drive? Causes & Solutions.
Now, follow my step.

Step 1: Press win+R simultaneously to bring up the Run panel, and type cmd in it.

Bring up CMD

Step 2: Find duplicate files. In the CMD window, type "dir drive:\*file's name*.extension /s/b". For instance, I'd like to find duplicate photos that contain string "sushi" in the D Drive, with ".png" extension:

dir command


1: The ".extension" means the type of files, including .txt, .png, .jpg, .doc and so on.

2: Two or more drives are allowed to scan at the same time, for example:

Multiple dir command

Step 3: Delete duplicate files. Wait for a while and you can see results listed on the panel, with exact location.

Result of dir command

Similar to step 2, type "del drive:\*file name*.extension /s/p", and hit Enter.

del command


1: "/p" means prompt for confirmation before deleting each file (if unnecessary, you can remove it), type "Y/y" or "N/n" and then hit Enter.

Result of dir command

2: Multiple disks can be added to delete duplicates.

Result of multiple dir command

There is no doubt that this is a bit of complicated. Furthermore, it is a major shortcoming that the CMD is invalid to detect the file with different names but the same content. For advanced detection, you can utilize a detection tool.

Method 2: Use professional third-party tool

As a professional tool, DupFiles Genius can perfectly address this problem. It is designed to use easily, efficiently and reliably. With its easy-to-use interface, you can quickly find and delete all duplicate files in batch on your computer with just a few clicks.

Here are highlights of DupFlies Genius:

The features of Dupfiles Genius.

Now, let's start learning how to use it.

Step 1: Download and install DupFiles Genius in your computer, then launch it.

Download DuoFiles Genius.

Step 2: Choose one or more folder/drive to scan. Not only can you click Add button on the bottom right page but also you can click Delete button to remove a specific drive if necessary. Then click Next to continue.

Select a drive or folder to scan

Step 3: Customize your scan settings. In the Type bar, choose at least one type of files you want to detect, and as for the Settings bar, it depends on your scan requirements. After that, click Start scanning.

Customize your scan settings

Note: If necessary, click Delete button to exclude the folder that don't have to be scanned.

Exclude a folder if necessary

Step 4: Select files to delete. The scanning report distinguishes different duplicate files with different colors, and you can choose to delete all duplicates but one.

The result of scanning

Furthermore, DupFiles Genius provides a query function, which you can right-click on the file and select Open file location to check file's location.

Check the file's location

Tips: The scanning time varies by file size. The larger the file, the longer the time.

Step 5: After deciding which files need to be deleted, you can click Delete button and then click Yes if a window pops out.

Select files to delete

If successfully delete files, click Ok to exit the program.

Successfully delete files.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Find and delete all duplicate files at once - Watch the video now!