How to Check Hard Drive Specs - Model, Status, Serial Number

Sometimes you might be confused about what hard drive you have in your computer. In this post, we will show you how to check hard drive specs like model, status and serial number without any third-party tool.
Actually, Windows offers several tools to check some specifications of hard drive. Among them, Command Prompt (CMD) possesses such an easy but powerful feature that allows you to check most of specs of hard drive including model, health, status, serial number, type, etc. Here we will introduce to you the detailed steps to check your hard drive specs in Command Prompt.
Step 1: Type cmd in Windows search box and click Command Prompt to open Command Prompt window.

Step 2: In Command Prompt window, firstly, type wmic diskdrive get. After that, type the property of hard drive that you want to know and press Enter.
Check hard drive model
For example, if you want to check the model of your hard drive, then you can type wmic diskdrive get model in cmd and press Enter. Finally, the model of hard drive will be shown in front of you.

Check hard drive serial number and status
Similarly, if you want to find hard drive serial number and status, then you can type wmic diskdrive get serialnumber, status and press Enter. In the end, the serial number and status of hard drive will shown on the screen.

Check hard drive all specs
Of course, if you want to check all of specs of hard drive in Command Prompt simultaneously, you can type wmic diskdrive list full and press Enter. All the properties of hard drive will be shown on the screen and all of them can be checked separately.

Tips: Sometimes, the result of some properties can be blank, which indicates they can't be detected by system. If you are confused about some properties, such as "SCSIBus=0", "SCSITargetId=0", you can click here for more details.
Bottom Line - how to check hard drive specs
No matter HDD or SSD, it is so convenient to check hard drive specs like model, status and serial number in Command Prompt. Besides, if you have known the model of your hard drive, you can also check more specifications from Internet. What's more, there are many free utilities that are designed to check the computer hardware including hard disk, from which you will know more about the detailed specs of hard drive including hard drive model, status, serial number, type, etc.