Utilize Flash Fill with Keyboard Shortcut - "Ctrl + E" in Excel

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December 10, 2020

utilize flash fill with keyboard shortcut - ctrl + e in Excel

Flash Fill automatically fills your data when it senses a pattern. It is a powerful function in Excel but got ignored by most people. Its keyboard shortcut is "Ctrl + E." I have to say, just "Ctrl + E" will definitely boost your efficiency a lot. And this article is going to show you how it works with four cases.

How to launch Flash Fill?

In fact, we have two ways to launch Flash Fill:

Way 1: Go to Home tab, find Editing module, and click the downwards arrow next of Fill and select Flash Fill.

Way 2: Use keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + E."

Since shortcut is convenient, we will use it through the article.

What cases can we launch Flash Fill?

There are four cases that you should try Flash Fill.

1. Separate a series of data.

Like a phone number in Excel. It would be nice to separate them to make it clear.

A series of phone numbers

Step 1: Input the number separated in the way you want.

Create phone number pattern

Step 2: Down-drag an area and press "Ctrl + E".

Flash fill.

2. Combine data from different columns.

In this example, we utilize flash fill to combine the First name and Last name to a column.

First name and last name separated.

Step 1: Input the name in the third column to offer the pattern.

Create name pattern

Step 2: Move cursor to the next cell and press "Ctrl + E".

Combine two columns

3. Extract a part of data in one column.

A bunch of data could contain a lot of information. But when we only need a section of it, Flash Fill comes up.

Identification number

Step 1: Input date of birth in the top cell.

Input birthday pattern

Step 2: Move cursor to the next cell and press "Ctrl + E".

Extract birthday out of identification number

4. Add units in bulk.

Sometimes, we need to add units to countless cells. It doesn't make sense if you do this one by one. So, let's try "Ctrl + E".

In this case, I need to add "$" to every data in Column Amount.


Step 1: Add unit to the content of one cell in another cell.

Add unit to the first data

Step 2: Press "Ctrl + E" like above.

Add unit to all data with flash fill

Others: Ctrl + D/R

Mentioned that we have other "Flash Fill" keyboard shortcuts - Ctrl + D/R.

Ctrl + D: Flash fill cells downwards.

Ctrl + R: Flash fill cells rightwards.

It could be used to copy data.

Input "12" in a cell, select an area and press "Ctrl + D".

Copy data with Ctrl + D

Drag-select an area rightwards, and press "Ctrl + R", the area selected will be filled with 12.

Copy data with Ctrl + R

Not only can flash fill copy contents, but also copy formula.

Drag-select downwards till Cell T10, and press "Ctrl + D".

Copy formula with Ctrl + D

Likewise, use Ctrl + R to copy formula to fill cells rightwards.

Copy formula with Ctrl + R

Bottom Line:

Briefly speaking, we can utilize flash fill every time we need to proceed a bunch of data. We often launch flash fill with keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + E.

We can use it in these four cases:

1. separate a series of data..

2. combine data from different columns..

3. extract a part of data in one column.

4. add units in bulk.

And it basically only takes two steps and a few seconds:

Step 1: Input a pattern in a cell for Excel to flash fill.

Step 2: Drag-select an area to launch flash fill.

There are also other keyboard shortcuts to flash fill - Ctrl + D/R. They are respectively used to copy data or formulas downwards and rightwards.

Anyway, the more you use flash fill, the more time you save.