How to Create Multiple Folders At Once with Different Names?

In the daily office process, if we create new folders one by one, and then rename them, this is more trouble and a waste of time, if we create multiple folders at once, we will improve efficiency and save time. Here are three ways to create multiple folders at once with different names.
Way 1: Via changing the .txt file suffix to .bat
Step 1: Create a new text file. For example, if we want to create a new folder named Monday to Sunday, we can type md Monday- md Sunday in the text document.

Step 2: Save the document, change the suffix name ".txt" to ".bat", and then click "Yes" to continue.

Step 3: Double click on the file and all the folders we need are created.

We can also quickly create multiple folders through word documents.
Step 1: Create a new word document and open it, and enter the name of the folder we want to create in Word.

Step 2: Press the "Ctrl + H" key, open the "Find and Replace" dialog box, in the "Find Content" text box, enter "^p", "Replace with" enter "^pmd" (Note: ^pmd must be followed by a space). And then click "Replace All".

Step 3: Click "File" → "Save As" → "Browse" to open the "Save As" dialog box, where we can set the save type to "Plain Text" file.

Step 4: Change the suffix name ".txt" to ".bat", click "Yes", then double click on the file and all the folders we need are created.

We can also quickly generate file names from excel files.
It is more troublesome to add line by line manually, if it is a more regular file name, such as month, date, and year, it is more convenient to use Excel. We can follow the steps to achieve this goal.
Step 1: Create a new Excel file and open it.
Step 2: Take the month as an example, in the Excel Sheet, enter md in line A, enter January in line B, and use the solid cross arrow to drag down, we can quickly create the "md month" line.

Step 3: Copy and paste these two lines into a text document.
Step 4: Change the suffix name ".txt" to ".bat", click "Yes", then double click on the file and all the folders we need are created.

Way 2: Via command prompt
Step 1: Use win+R to open the Run dialog box, type cmd, and click ok to open it.

Step 2: Use the cd command to switch to a directory. For example, type cd C:\New folder, and then press enter.
cd C:\New folder
Suppose we want to create three folders - 2021, 2022, and 2023. We need to execute the following command. ( Note: There is a space between each folder name.)
md 2021 2022 2023

Step 3: After executing the command, close the command prompt and go to the directory where we created the folder. We will find our folder there.

Way 3: Via Powershell
Step 1: Click the Start button and search for "Powershell". Then, open Powershell.

Step 2: If we want to create a new folder in the "Documents" directory. We can do this with the cd command. So, we will type the following command.
cd Documents

Step 3: Batch folder creation requires writing the file name and then running a specific command in a PowerShell window. Suppose we want to create folders for four seasons of the year. We can use the following command.
"Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter" | %{New-Item -Name "$_" -ItemType "Directory"}

Step 4: After running this command, we can close PowerShell and open Windows Explorer to find "Documents"

We only need to choose one or two of these methods to create multiple folders with different names.