How to End Multiple Tasks at Once on Windows?

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May 21, 2024

How to End Multiple Tasks at Once on Windows?

Are you tired of clicking "Don't Save" option repeatedly when closing multiple windows manually? Sometimes, we temporarily open multiple tasks, and as work progresses, many of these tasks become unnecessary. However, when we want to close them, the dialog box asking whether to save or not pops up before we can close them. It's manageable if there are just a few, but dealing with a dozen is not so pleasant. This post will walk you through how to end multiple tasks at once on Windows.

Way 1: End Multiple Tasks at Once Using Taskkill Command

Windows provides taskkill command for us to end multiple tasks at once. Now let's to see how to use it.

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt by searching "cmd" from the search box and clicking the result that appears.

Step 2: Using Taskkill command to close multiple tasks at once.

taskkill /f /im notepad.exe// End multiple tasks under notepad.exe program.
taskkill /f /im mspaint

Note: The "/f" parameter means closing tasks forcefully and the "/im" parameter means image-name. Then the "notepad.exe" refers to the specified image-name which will be terminated. The more details about this command can be found in this official page.

Tip: If you want to end multiple tasks under multiple programs at once, you can use the taskkilll /f /im xx.exe /im yy.exe …… command.

end multiple tasks and programs at once

If you're not sure about the image-name of the program, you can use the tasklist command to list all running tasks. Besides, you can end these tasks via the Resource Monitor.

tasklist command demo

Way 2: End Multiple Tasks at Once via Resource Monitor

Step 1: Open the Resource Monitor by running resmon command in the Command Prompt.

resmon command

Step 2: If the "CPU" field in the "Overview" tab of the Resource Monitor window is collapsed, expand it.

Note: Alternatively, navigating to the "CPU" tab is similar to navigating to the "Overview" tab.

Step 3: Locate the tasks you want to end and tick the checkbox in front of them.

Note: After you select a item, it will be displayed in the front.

Tip: When you choose, you can sort items by "Image", "PID" and so on. The items will be sorted alphabetically according to the selected criteria.

select tasks to end in resource monitor

Step 4: Using the "Shift" key or "Ctrl" Key to multiselect these items, then right-click on any one of the selected items.

Step 5: Choosing "End Process" option from the context menu, then clicking "End process" button in the pop-up confirmation window.

end process in resource monitor
Do you want to end the selected processes

Step 6: The selected tasks are terminated now.


Use the outlined methods to streamline the process of closing windows and enhance your user experience. However, it's important to ensure that these tasks are no longer needed before terminating them. We hope this post proves helpful to you.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Learn how to end multiple tasks at once - Watch this video now!