Windows 10: Five Useful Registry Tweaks for Gaming Performance

Uswe Author


June 8, 2020

five useful registry tweaks for gaming performance windows 10

To improve gaming performance, you might have tried various methods. Among them, tweaking registry is also a notable method, which can improve gaming performance to some extends. In this post, we will introduce to you five useful registry tweaks for gaming performance in Windows 10.

Caution: To prevent unforeseen circumstances, make sure to back up your registry before making any changes.

1. Make priority of gaming responsiveness

MMCSS, the abbreviation of Multimedia Class Scheduler, is a Windows service that allows multimedia applications to get prioritized access to CPU for time-sensitive processing. To ensure games get prioritized access to CPU resources, we can tweak the registry. Here are detailed steps.

Step 1: Hit Windows key + R shortcut to launch a Run box. Then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor window.

open registry editor window

Step 2: Navigate to the following path in the left panel:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Games

Step 3: Double-click GPU Priority, Priority and Scheduling Category respectively. Tweak the values of GPU Priority to 8, Priority to 6, Scheduling Category to High. After this change, you might realize that the internet speed is improved as well as gaming performance.

make priority of gaming responsiveness

2. Increase the hosting buffer size

The size of hosting buffer reflects the ability to host data or services in a high-latency environment. By default, the system sets the buffer size as 16384 bytes but sometimes it is not enough if the amount of memory is small. Tweaking this value by Registry Editor will help reduce the impact of lag while gaming. Here is a guide.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor window and navigate to the following path:


Step 2: Right-click the blank space on the right panel. Move the mouse cursor over New and select DWORD (32-bit) Value option.

increase the hosting buffer size

Step 3: Name it SizReqBuf and double-click it and set its value to 17424.

set buffer size

3. Disable Nagle's Algorithm

Nagle's algorithm is a means of improving the efficiency of network transmissions by combining several small packets into a single, large. It is enabled by Windows system by default. However, it might increase the latency or ping while gaming. So, it is recommended to disable it by Registry Editor.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor window and navigate to the following path:


Step 2: You can see lots of subfolders in Interfaces folder, each corresponding to a different network interface. You need to find the one that matches your currently active connection.

Follow these steps:

  1. Record the IP Address: Open Command Prompt and type ipconfig to display the IP address of your currently active network connection.

    ipconfig command
  2. Check Subfolder Details: In the Registry Editor, navigate to each subfolder. For each subfolder, check the value of IPAddress or DhcpIPAddress. Compare these values with the IP address recorded earlier.

    DhcpIPAddress demo in registry editor

Then right-click the corresponding subfolder. Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, and create two new DWORD values:

new dword

Step 4: Name these two values TcpAckFrequency and TcpNoDelay. Then double-click them and tweak their value to 1. Finally, Nagle's Algorithm will be disabled.

disable nagle algorithm

4. Change the DefaultTTL

Time to Live (TTL) tells routers the time a packet should stay in the air while attempting delivery before discarding, which can prevent a data packet from circulating indefinitely. If the value is high, your computer will waste much time to wait for a failed packet to deliver decreasing the efficiency of your network. Network plays a crucial role in gaming. So, it is good for gaming to decrease this value by Registry Editor.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor window and navigate to the following path:


Step 2: Double-click the DefaultTTL in the right side and set its value to 1-255. A recommended value is 64. If you can't find DefaultTTL registry, you need to create a new value and name it as DefaultTTL. That's all. This registry tweak can also increase the internet speed.

change default ttl

5. Clean invalid registry files

A great number of unused and invalid registry entries might slow down your computer, thus affecting your gaming experience. To improve your Windows for gaming, it is time to clean the invalid registry. Is there any way to clean out those registry files in your computer? Here I recommend to you a utility - System Genius that allows you to remove those invalid registry entries in Windows computer safely by one click. Here is a tutorial.

Step 1: Download System Genius. Then install it on your computer.

Step 2: Launce it and click Registry in the left panel of interface. Then go to the right menu and click Scan button to checkup the invalid registry files on your computer.

scan invalid registry files with system genius

Step 3: Once completed, all the invalid registry files are shown in the result. You can click Clean to remove all the invalid registry entries from your computer.

clean invalid registry files with system genius

Tips: System Genius allows you to delete the registry one by one. You can tick the one that you want to clean and get more details. Then you can know its actual location and click Clean to remove them.

clean one type of invalid registry files

Step 4: Click OK and the whole process ends. It is recommended that you clean the invalid registry files weekly. Finally, you will find out it is so dramatic to improve computer performance as well as gaming.


In addition, System Genius is a multi-functional Windows optimization utility that can help you clean up the junk files, free up system disk space, disable the auto-run programs and manage Windows system services, etc.

Download: System Genius

Finally, restart your computer to apply these changes.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Boost your gaming performance on Windows - Watch the video now!