How to Make the Taskbar Transparent in Windows 11 and 10?

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May 18, 2022

how to make the taskbar transparent in windows 11 and 10

The taskbar we see on other people's Windows 11 or 10 system computers is transparent and looks very personal. Is there any way to make the windows 11/10 taskbar transparent? Today I will share with you four ways for setting up a transparent taskbar in windows 11 and 10.

If you are interested, you can also read the related article to learn more about taskbar: 5 Tips to Fix Windows 10 & 11 Taskbar Missing on Desktop

Way 1: Through the system settings

Step 1: Open "All settings" "Personalization" "Colors".

Step 2: Turn on "Transparency effects". You can choose the desired accent color to match your wallpaper, this method will only make your taskbar slightly transparent.

turn on transparency effects

Way 2: Through the registry editor

Step 1: Use WIN+R to open the Run dialog box, type "Regedit", and click "OK" to open the registry editor.

type regedit

Step 2: Find the following path.

find the following path

Step 3: In the right pane, right-click in the margin and select "New", then click "DWORD (32-bit) Value".

new dword value

Step 4: Rename the newly created value to "UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency" by right-clicking on it and selecting "rename". Double-click to open this value.

rename the newly created value

Step 5: Change the value data to "1" and click "OK" to save the settings.

change value data

You can also make the taskbar transparent by adding the "ForceEffectMode" to the registry editor.

Step 1: Find the following location in the registry editor.

find the following location

Step 2: Right-click in the margin and select "New", then select "DWORD (32-bit) Value".

new value

Step 3: Rename it as "ForceEffectMode" and double-click to open it.

rename it as forceeffectmode

Step 4: Change the value of ForceEffectMode to "1", click "OK" to save the settings, and restart your computer. This method makes the taskbar more transparent.

change the value data

Way 3: Through TranslucentTB

TranslucentTB provides control over the appearance of the taskbar. You can customize its effects and colors, and combine various states, each with a customizable taskbar appearance for a dynamically changing and visually pleasing taskbar.

Step 1: Install TranslucentTB from the Microsoft Store.

install translucenttb

Step 2: Launch TranslucentTB and click Yes to continue in the pop-up window. Your taskbar will be transparent.

launch translucenttb

Step 3: TranslucentTB will display a tray icon on the right-hand side of the taskbar, which you can right-click and select "Open at boot" to allow it to start with the windows system.

open at boot

Way 4: Through Taskbar Tools

TaskbarTools is another user-friendly, free tool to make your Windows 11/10 taskbar completely transparent. In terms of functionality, it is similar to TranslucentTB. It is a portable tool.

Step 1: Download it from the GitHub website:

click to download

Step 2: Decompress it using RAR Opener or any other tool. Double click on the executable file "Taskbar Tools" to open it.

double click taskbartool

Step 3: You can set from different "Accent States" and "Gradient Colors". After combining the "Accent States" with the different "Gradient Color", click on the options link when you see the pretty taskbar.

accent state and gradient color

Step 4: Check the "Start Minimized", "Apply Settings When Started" and "Start with Windows" options. Once the settings have been saved, you can close the Taskbar tool. When you start your Windows 11/10 PC, this tool will automatically start, be located in the system tray area and keep your PC's taskbar transparent.

three options to choose from