Windows Airplane Mode Is Greyed Out: Here's How to Fix It

Airplane mode is a useful feature in Windows that enables users to quickly disable all wireless signals on the computer. This feature is especially helpful when one is in a place where radio signals are forbidden. Just one click will turn off WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC and etc. Nowadays, airplane mode is also used to save power. But there can be times you can't activate it because this option turns grey. How to fix airplane mode greyed out issue? Here's what you can do to fix it.
1. Run Network Adapter troubleshooter
Step 1: Press Windows+I to open Settings and select Update & Security>Troubleshoot. At the right pane, scroll down to locate Additional troubleshooters.

Step 2: Under Find and fix other problems list, select Network Adapter and click to expand it. Then click on Run the troubleshooter.

Follow the instructions on screen and wait until the process completes.
2. Perform network reset
Step 1: Open Settings and select Network & Internet.
Step 2: In the right pane, select Network reset under Advanced network settings.

Step 3: Click on Reset now. Restart your PC after resetting.

3. Restart Radio Management service
Step 1: Press Windows+R to open run dialog and type services.msc in the box. Then press Enter to open Services.

Step 2: In Services window, find Radio Management Service, click on it and then click Restart.

If you want to make this service automatically run when starting Windows system, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Double-click on Radio Management Service. Then choose General tab and change the Startup type to Automatic.
Step 2: Click Start to launch the service. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.

4. Re-enable network adapter
Step 1: Press Windows+X and select Device Manager.

Step 2: Expand Network adapters and select your wireless adapter. Then right-click on it and choose Disable device.

Step 3: You need to wait for at least 30 seconds. Then right-click on the adapter again and select Enable device.
5. Tweak registry values
Step 1: Press Windows+R to launch the Run command, type regedit in the box and press OK to open Registry Editor.

Step 2: Navigate to the following path:
Step 3: Right-click on the Control key and select Find.

Step 4: Type RadioEnable in the text box and click Find Next.

Step 5: Locate the RadioEnable entry, double-click on it and change its Value data to 1. Then click OK to save changes.